Legal age to sell rabbit kits
I am not recommending that you sell your rabbits at a certain age. If you refer to our sales policy we do not sell our rabbits until 8 weeks of age simply due to preference and not because of the law. We reside in Oklahoma and they do not dictate the age at which rabbits can be sold.
When I see a new breeder ask, “What age can I sell my rabbit kits?” I know someone is going to pop up with the comment, “It’s illegal in most states to sell rabbits before 8 weeks of age!!” Which, as it turns out, is false. Like many viral posts on Facebook this has been circulating with little to no fact checking behind it. Worse is when someone likes to say it’s illegal on a federal level to sell before 8 weeks. Where do they even get this stuff? Not from any .gov sites I'll tell you that.
Turns out MOST states (33) do not dictate what age you can sell your rabbits, they leave that up to the breeder (and sometimes the cities or counties) to determine.
Of the states that DO have a required age limit, most say 8 weeks. Many of these have special circumstances which allow them to be sold younger if in batches of 6, 12, or if they are over 3 pounds in weight, or if it's for agriculture or commercial breeding.
The remaining 2 states say not to sell under 4 weeks, and the 3rd state says not to sell under 7 weeks.
There is NO law on the federal level that says you cannot sell rabbits under 8 weeks of age, that's 100% NOT what the federal government is for and they should never impose that sort of legislature.
The following are the age related state sale laws if any. Understand that any state that lacking a selling age requirement is hard to verify since you're literally searching for the ABSENCE of a law. So those that do not have an age requirement have been searched to death by me, however I have not taken the extra step and called each state legislature office (except Oklahoma), you may wish to do this for your state. A few states leave that up to the city/county, so please check those ordinances as well. If you know your city/county has a restriction when your state does not, please let me know and I will add it.
Please do not use this as your sole source of information and search your state records directly to make 100% sure you are not breaking any laws, for example, by selling your kits at 7 weeks versus 8. If you know any of these are wrong I would appreciate it if you would let me know. (Not because so-and-so told you so, but because you actually read the law yourself on your state website.)
Alabama - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Alaska - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Arizona - No age requirement on state level. Please check your county and city ordinances. (Verified by RDR 2019)
City of Pheonix - It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, barter or give away rabbits under two months of age in less than one dozen lots as premiums, novelties, prizes, pets or toys; provided, that this section shall not be construed to prohibit the sale of rabbits in proper facilities that comply with the provisions of the Sanitary Code or other rules and regulations of the Board of Health by breeders and those engaged in the business of selling for commercial breeding and raising purposes. Code 1962, § 8-5. (Verified by RDR 2020)
City of Mesa - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2020)
Arkansas - Prohibits selling rabbits under two (2) months of age in any quantity less than six (6). This section shall not be construed to prohibit the sale of rabbits in a proper brooder facility by a hatchery or store engaged in the business of selling them for commercial purposes. A.C.A. § 5-62-121 (Verified by RDR 2019)
California - No age requirement on state level. Please check your county and city ordinances. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Los Angeles County - Special note from RDR: According to WabbitWiki Los Angeles County has legislature that states: "A person shall not sell, offer for sale, barter, or give away, as pets, toys, premiums or novelties any rabbits under two months of age." and refers to, which then references code 10.40.020 Young rabbits or fowl--Certain acts prohibited. That code is missing entirely from the Los Angeles County, AZ official website and simply marked "Reserved." Please call them for further clarification as I cannot find any age restrictions listed on their official website in their code of ordinances.
Colorado - It is unlawful and a violation of this article for any person or entity to sell, transfer, or adopt rabbits under the age of four weeks. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Connecticut - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Delaware - No age requirement on state level. Please check your county and city ordinances. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Wilmington - It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, barter or give away living baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl, or rabbits under two months of age in any quantity less than six. (Code 1968, § 22-15) (Verified by RDR 2020)
District of Colombia - No person shall sell or offer for sale a rabbit under the age of sixteen (16) weeks ... except for agricultural or scientific purposes. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Florida - It is unlawful for a person to sell, offer for sale, or give away as merchandising premiums, rabbits under 2 months of age to be used as pets, toys, or retail premiums. This section does not apply to a rabbit of any age, that is used or raised for agricultural purposes by a person with proper facilities to care for it or for the purpose of livestock exhibitions. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Georgia - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Hawaii - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Idaho - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Illinois - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Indiana - Prohibits selling rabbits under two (2) months of age. This subsection does not apply to commercial breeders or distributors whose facilities are adequately equipped for the care of young rabbits. (Verified by RDR 2019)
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Iowa - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Kansas - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Kentucky - No person shall sell, exchange, offer to sell or exchange or to give away rabbits, under two (2) months of age in any quantity less than six (6), except that any rabbit weighing three (3) pounds or more may be sold at an age of six (6) weeks. 436.600 (Verified by RDR 2019)
Louisiana - No age requirement. RS 3:2363 (Verified by RDR 2019)
Maine - It is unlawful for any person to sell, display, raffle, give away or offer for sale to the public any rabbits under 8 weeks of age in lots of less than 2. Nothing in this section may be construed to apply to any animal to be used or raised for agriculture. Title 7 Part 9 §3972 (Verified by RDR 2019)
Maryland - No Age Requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Rockville - It shall be unlawful to sell, offer for sale, barter, or give away baby chickens, ducklings, or other fowl, under three (3) weeks of age or rabbits under two (2) months of age​. Sec. 3-26.
Massachusetts - No age requirement. Section 80D (Verified by RDR 2019)
Michigan - No age requirement. Act 163 of 1945 (Verified by RDR 2019)
Minnesota - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Mississippi - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Missouri - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Montana - It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, barter, or give away for commercial purposes rabbits under 2 months of age, as pets, toys, premiums, or novelties; This section shall not be construed to prohibit the sale or display of such rabbits in proper facilities by breeders or stores engaged in the business of selling for purposes of breeding and raising. 81-8-401. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Nebraska - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Nevada - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
New Hampshire - Rabbits younger than 4 weeks of age shall not be sold or offered for sale; raffled; or offered or given as a prize, premium, or advertising device. Section 437:15 (Verified by RDR 2019)
New Jersey - (Prohibited to) Sell, offer for sale, barter or give away living rabbits under two months of age for use as household or domestic pets or for any purpose and who shall fail to provide proper facilities for the care of such animals. (Verified by RDR 2019)
New Mexico - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
New York - A person is guilty of unlawful sale of baby rabbits 54 when he or she sells, offers for sale, barters or gives away living baby rabbits under two (2) months of age in any quantity less than six (6). (Verified by RDR 2019)
North Carolina - If any person, firm or corporation shall sell, or offer for sale, barter or give away as premiums living rabbits under eight (8) weeks of age as pets or novelties, such person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
§ 14-363.1. (Verified by RDR 2019)
North Dakota - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Ohio - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Oklahoma - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Oregon - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Pennsylvania - A person commits a summary offense if he sells, offers for sale, barters, or gives away rabbits under two months of age, as pets, toys, premiums or novelties. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the sale or display of such rabbits in proper facilities by persons engaged in the business of selling them for purposes of commercial breeding and raising. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Rhode Island - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
South Carolina - It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or give away as merchandising premiums rabbits under two months of age to be used as pets, toys or retail premiums. This section shall not be construed to apply to rabbits to be used or raised for agricultural purposes by persons with proper facilities to care for them or livestock exhibitions. SECTION 47-1-125 (Verified by RDR 2019)
South Dakota - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Tennessee - It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, barter or give away rabbits under two (2) months of age, as pets, toys, premiums or novelties. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the sale or display rabbits in proper facilities by breeders or stores engaged in the business of selling for purposes of commercial breeding and raising or laboratory testing. Each rabbit sold, offered for sale, bartered or given away in violation of this section constitutes a separate offense. A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor. § 39-14-204 (Verified by RDR 2019)
Texas - No age requirement on a state level. Please check your city ordinances. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Fort Worth: Prohibits selling rabbits less than eight (8) weeks of age to any person in quantities of less than five (5). § 6-61 (Verified by RDR 2020)
Gainesville: It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, rent, barter, or give away as toys, premiums or novelties rabbits under two (2) months old, unless the manner or method is first approved by the animal control officer. Sec. 3-15. (Ord. No. 1250-07-2010, § 3, 7-6-10)
Also worth noting; "the maximum number of dogs, cats, rabbits, and ferrets combined per household shall not exceed four (4)" Sec. 3-16. (Ord. No. 1250-07-2010, § 3, 7-6-10) (Verified by RDR 2020)
San Antonio: Prohibits selling rabbits less than eight (8) weeks old. (Followed by: "except that this chapter shall not be construed as to prohibit the sale or display of such baby chicks, ducklings, or other fowl in proper breeder facilities or hatcheries or to prohibit the sale or display of such baby chicks, ducklings, or other fowl in stores engaged in the business of selling the same to be raised for commercial purposes." Since it doesn't say rabbits, I don't feel it applies to rabbits, but use your own judgement.) Sec. 5-3. (Ord. No. 2010-06-17-0555, § 1, 6-17-10) (Verified by RDR 2020)
Utah - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Vermont - No live rabbits under eight weeks of age in lots of less than six shall be offered for sale or sold, displayed, or given away. 13 V.S.A. § 366 (Verified by RDR 2019)
Virginia - No person shall sell, raffle, give away, or offer for sale as pets or novelties, or offer or give as a prize, premium, or advertising device any living unweaned mammalian companion animal under the age of seven (7) weeks without its dam or queen. Dealers may offer unweaned mammalian companion animals under the age of seven weeks for sale as pets or novelties with the requirement that prospective owners take possession of the animals only after mammalian companion animals have been weaned. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the sale, gift, or transfer of an unweaned animal: (i) as food for other animals; (ii) with the lactating dam or queen or a lactating surrogate dam or queen that has accepted the animal; (iii) due to a concern for the health or safety of the unweaned animal; or (iv) to animal control, a public or private animal shelter, or a veterinarian. § 3.2-6510 (Verified by RDR 2019)
Washington - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Tacoma - Prohibits selling rabbits under two (2) months of age in any quantity less than six (6). This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the sale of rabbits by stores engaged in the business of selling them for commercial purposes. (Verified by RDR 2020)
West Virginia - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
Wisconsin - No retailer may sell, offer for sale, barter or give away living baby rabbits under 2 months of age in any quantity less than 6 unless in the business of selling these animals for agricultural, wildlife or scientific purposes. 951.10
(Verified by RDR 2019)
Wyoming - No age requirement. (Verified by RDR 2019)
(Viewed on a desktop computer this graphic is a lot less fuzzy than when viewed on your smartphone.)
Other parts of the world
I have not checked these out myself and all of the following are reported by the public.
New South Wales - No age restriction.