Avant-garde Reza Breeding Project
Macro-goals: Commercial body type with great depth and width of loin being the focus and fullness to table. Displaying Satin, Rexed, and Waved pelts; ss, rr, and wawa. For ease I will refer to this as SRW.
Micro-goals: Oversized prick ears for increased heat tolerance. Good growth rate, ideally hitting 5 lbs by 10 weeks of age but will select up to 12 weeks. Growth can and will be selected for later. Prefer a medium sized adult with commercial growth rates.
Least importance: Select to keep the chinchilla gene and away from the steel gene.
Foundation Stock “FS”: Stock to line breed back to with the goal to further develop body type.
Kingsbury's Merlot – Red Satin buck – AA__CcD_ee ss RR WaWa
Amazing body type, rufus and fur. Won Best Variety 6/8 buck at the National All Satin Show 2021. (Satin Foundation Stock “SFS”)
Kingsbury's Sangria – Red Satin doe – A_-__C_D_ee ss RR WaWa
Amazing body type, rufus and fur. Won 2nd in Class Jr Doe at the National All Satin Show 2021. (Satin Foundation Stock “SFS”)
Anchors Aweigh Hot Tamale – Broken red New Zealand buck – A_B_C_D_ee SS Rr Wa_ Enen
Great commercial body type with incredibly wide loin, high rufus. (New Zealand Foundation Stock “NZFS”, b line.)
Puzzle Piece Stock “PS”: Stock used to get specific fur texture genes.
Rainy Days' Spitfire – REW New Zealand doe - A_BBcc__EsE SS rr wawa
DRC Honey & Bunny’s Vinnie Vidi Vici x DRC Honey & Bunny’s Adelaide
Great growth, okay body type, rex and waved pelt.
Rainy Days' Rumpelstiltskin – Castor mixed breed doe – AABBCcDdEE SS rr wawa
DRC Honey & Bunny’s Vinnie Vidi Vici x Rainy Days' Snickers
Great growth, rex and waved pelt.
Rainy Days' Corduroy – GTS mixed breed doe – A_BBCcD_Ese SS rr wawa
DRC Honey & Bunny’s Vinnie Vidi Vici x Rainy Days' Snickers
Great growth, rex and waved pelt.
Elkhorn's Annie Oakley – Red mixed breed doe – A_BBC_Ddee SS rr __wa
Chughole's Hot Tamale x Rainy Days' Salted Caramel Pretzel Milkshake
Rexed coat carries waved.​
Rainy Days' Guinness – GTS mixed breed buck – A_B_C_D_Es_ SS rr wawa
Rainy Days' Gambit x Rainy Days' Corduroy
Rex and and waved coated.
Rainy Days' Gambit – GTS mixed breed buck – A_BBCcD_Ese SS rr wawa
DRC Honey & Bunny’s Vinnie Vidi Vici x Rainy Days' Snickers
Great growth, rex and waved pelt.
Rainy Days' Red – Red mixed breed doe – A_BbC_Ddee SS rr __wa
Elkhorn's Lucky Boi x Rainy Days' Corduroy
Rex coated doe from a pure Rex outcross with good body type.
Rainy Days' Ferngully – Mixed breed doe – A_BbC_DdEs_ SS rr __wa -
Elkhorn's Lucky Boi x Rainy Days' Corduroy
Rex coated doe from a pure Rex outcross with good body type.
Rainy Days' Snickers – Chestnut agouti mixed breed doe – AaBBCcchdDdEe S_Rr Wawa
Rainy Days' HOSS x Rainy Days' Della Rose
Great growth, amazing temperament, carries rex, waved and *may* carry satin.
Produced an oddly shiny kit in the past. Will determine with breedings to Merlot.
Rainy Days' Poppyseed – Blue mixed breed doe – aaBBCCddEe SS Rr Wawa
Rainy Days' Earl Grey x Rainy Days' Snickers
Good growth, carries rex and waved.
Rainy Days' Zulu – STS mixed breed doe – A_B_cchdcD_EsE SS Rr Wawa –
Rainy Days' Gambit x Rainy Days' Snickers
Normal coated carrying rex and waved.
F1 Stock: Normal coated rabbits that carry all 3 of the recessive fur texture genes needed. SsRrWawa.
Rainy Days' Jerkasaurus Jane – Chestnut agouti mixed breed doe – AAB_C_D_Ee SsRrWawa
RD's Rumpelstiltskin x Kingsbury's Merlot
Rainy Days' Merida – Red mixed breed doe – A_B_C_D_ee SsRrWawa
Elkhorn's Annie Oakley x Kingsbury's Merlot
Rainy Days' Jamison – Chestnut agouti mixed breed buck – AaB_C_D_ee SsR_Wa_
Rainy Days' Poppyseed x Kingsbury's Merlot
Need to test breed to curly coated PS to determine if he carries the rex and waved genes.
Breeding Plan
Breed satinized foundation stock “SFS” to curly coated puzzle stock “PS” for F1 offspring that are normal coated but carry rex, waved and satin, select for body type only. Breed F1 rabbits together to produce F2-SRW (Satin/Rex/Wave) or F2-S kits that display the satin coat and good body type.
Chance of producing SRW at this stage is 1.6% (1:64)
Chance of producing F2-S at this stage is 24% (1:4)
Breed the F2-SRW back to the SFS for F3-Srw satinized kits that carry rex and waved, select for body type only. Breed F3-Srw together and select for type and SRW. These kits will be F4-SRW. Also select for F4-SR (reza) as potential replacements for F3-Srw.
Chance of producing SRW at this stage is 6% (1:16).
Chance of producing F4-SR / reza at this stage is 25% (1:4).
b line​ using NZ Foundation Stock:
Breed F2-SRW and F4-SRW back to New Zealand Foundation Stock “NZFS” for F2b-Rsw, selecting for rex coated kits with good body type that carry satin and waved. Breed F2b-Rsw kits together to produce F3b-SRW or F3b-SR / reza kits that display the satinized rex coat and good body type.
Chance of producing SRW at this stage is 6% (1:16)
Chance of producing F3b-SR is 25% (1:4)
(Similar to graphic above.)
Breed the F3b-SRW back to the NZFS for F4b-Rsw rexed kits that carry satin and waved, select for rexed pelt and body type. Breed F4b-Rsw together and select for type and SRW. These kits will be F5b-SRW. Also select for F5b-SR /reza kits that display the satinized rex coat and good body type.
Chance of producing SRW at this stage is 6% (1:16)
Chance of producing F5b-SR / reza at this stage is 25% (1:4)
(Similar to graphic above.)
​​Combining the lines:
Take F2-S and F3b-SR rabbits and breed them back to the rexed and waved Puzzle Stock to test their recessives. If they carry the other two recessives then use them with F3-Srw and F4b-Rsw.
Take F5b-SR and F4-SR rabbits and breed them back to the rexed Puzzle Stock to test their recessives. If they carry waved then use them with F3-Srw and F4b-Rsw. If they do not carry waved then rehome to a Reza project (and resist the urge to switch to a Reza project instead.
Take the confirmed F5b-SRw and F4-SRw rabbits and breed them together, selecting for SRW. These will be F6-SRW.
Chance of producing Reza / Satinized Rex is 100%
Chance of producing F6-SRW at this stage is 25% (1:4).
I should eventually end up with the F4-SRW from the satin line, F5b-SRW from the NZ line and F6-SRW from the combination to breed together and select for body type from entire litters that are being born with all three recessive coat genes. I can always cross back to the foundation stock if I need to and restart a line.
ALL of the F2-SRW will be selected for the coat, not body type. Those are going to be hard to create in the beginning (1.6% chance). The earlier gen SRW may be useful to breed to the later gen SRW, though with the chances being so slim that any will be produced it’s even more unlikely they’ll also have a premium body type.
Interested in helping?
At this time we have not applied for a Certificate of Development through the ARBA and will not be applying until I have succeeded in creating my vision of the Avante-Garde Reza that breeds true and have multiple animals with these characteristics.
Once I feel confident of what I am producing (2024? 2025?) I will be needing other breeders to work on this new breed project with me and I will be offering my Avante-Garde Reza stock at no cost provided the breeder passes scrutiny and agrees to breed towards the Standard of Perfection and to better the breed.
Outcrossing is encouraged provided you understand how these coat texture genes work and have a solid grasp on how to go about breeding for them. All potential outcrosses must be approved by me and should only come from well established lines bred for consistency in commercial body type and competitive on the show table.
If you are interested in developing the Avante-Garde Reza breed in the future please let me know and I will put you on my list of people to contact once I get closer to having a good example of my vision and am getting geared up for stock dispersal.